Livraison en France

Nous fournissons également tes journaux et magazines en France. Il te suffit d'indiquer ton adresse de livraison lors du processus de commande. Nous nous occupons de la livraison.

Livraison en France

Pour les clients de Suisse

Pour les livraisons en Suisse, nous recommandons d'utiliser le service de se chargera de toutes les formalités douanières et de la livraison à votre porte pour une somme modique. La meilleure façon de procéder est de vous enregistrer auprès de avant de vous connecter.

Publication du club de tir

With a self-made magazine for the rifle club, you can create a great atmosphere in the marquee. Whether it's a magazine for an anniversary, a programme of events or a special publication to honour members. Here you can design and print a professional rifle club magazine with just a few clicks. Simply upload your own texts and photos to the sample pages and then add your magazine to the shopping basket. We print your magazine elegantly with sturdy stapling in classic A4 or compact A5 format. Even in small print runs from 1 copy!

Please note the following when designing:
Cut and safety margin for magazines

Lieferung Icon Delivery expected by: 08.08.2024

Délai de livraison: 2-3 Tage

Disponibilité: En stock

H.T. 29,10 € T.T.C. 34,63 €
Coût de livraison compris

* Champs obligatoires

Description du produit

Design an Elegant Rifle Club Magazine

Rifle clubs are important links in social life. They cultivate meaningful traditions, strengthen a sense of community and organise festivals for young and old. Express the values of your rifle club now and design a high-quality magazine for the upcoming club anniversary. From greetings, chronicles and retrospects to member presentations and picture galleries. With our convenient online designer, you can create your customised rifle club magazine in just a few simple steps. After the design, follows the print. We produce your customised magazine in your desired quantity, even in small print runs, from 1 copy. Simply check the preview after the design process and add your magazine to the shopping basket. You can conveniently order online and receive your magazine at home within 5 to 7 working days.


Whether in the classic and popular DIN A4 format or in the handy and compact DIN A5 format: With us, you can design your rifle club magazine in the right size. The pages are held together as a book by a sturdy stapling. They are printed on high-quality 135 g/m² paper, which brings a special radiance to your colours and photos.

Preview Now (flipbook)

  • Create your own rifle club magazine on your PC
  • Designer programme with ready-made layouts
  • Insert customised reports & images
  • 4 to 40 pages
  • Silk-matt paper for intense photos & colours
  • Print from 1 copy

Insert Your Own Texts & Photos in a Rifle Club Magazine

Insert texts, upload photos, customise headings, add pages. Our designer is an online construction kit with easy-to-use functions that make designing your rifle club magazine super easy. Simply replace the placeholders and dummy texts with your own content. You can then move your reports and images freely around the page and place them where you like them best.

Insert your own text in the rifle club magazine

Insert texts in the rifle club magazine
Insert your own photos in the rifle club magazine

Insert photos in the rifle club magazine

Ideas & Inspiration for a Rifle Club Magazine

Insights into the past: Give the readers a fascinating insight into the rich history of the rifle club and past rifle club festivals. Present impressive historical photographs, share unique anecdotes or quote remarkable statements from club members. This allows you to chronicle the club's development over time.

Personal portraits in the spotlight: Take a look at the lives and experiences of members of the rifle club. Create inspiring short biographies, impressive picture collages and remarkable quotes to emphasise the members' individual stories and contributions.

Triumphs and honours: Publish a list of past shooting kings and combine them with impressive stories of notable achievements or outstanding accomplishments.

Meet the members of honour: Immerse yourself in unforgettable conversations with long-standing members of the rifle club, especially those who have played a significant role in the past. Experience their vivid memories, deep-rooted traditions and moving highlights from past rifle club festivals.

Outlooks: Create space for inspiring visions and innovative plans for the rifle club. Encourage members to share their innovative ideas for the further development of the club. Create a dedicated area where young members can share their fresh perspectives on the club and their exciting plans for the future.

Design & Print a Rifle Club Magazine ¬- FAQ

Would you like to start designing your rifle club magazine now, but still have questions about the ordering process or delivery? Then the quick answers in our FAQ will help you right away. If you have any further questions, you can also send a message via our contact form.

Do you offer international shipping?

We ship to the UK and all EU countries. All necessary customs procedures are handled by us.

What is the estimated delivery time for my custom rifle club magazine?

For orders outside of Germany and Austria, expect your rifle club newspaper to arrive within 6-8 business days. Shipments are handled via DPD, ensuring safe delivery either in a secure envelope or a robust cardboard box, depending on the size of your order.

How can I pay for my rifle club magazine?

You can pay for your magazine with either PayPal or credit card.

With how many pages can I create my rifle club magazine?

In our online programme, you can design your magazine from 4 to 40 pages. Individual pages can be added or removed flexibly during the design process. You can also change and customise the order of pages at any time. Please make sure that the total number of pages in your magazine is divisible by 4 at the end of the design process.

Can I also have my own PDF file printed as a rifle club magazine?

Yes, definitely! If you prefer to create your magazine using your own software, you are welcome to upload your own PDF file. Click here for the PDF upload. Our automatic print data check checks your magazine and gives you suggestions for improvement if necessary.

Is it possible to receive a free sample copy of my magazine in advance?

As our business model is based on newspaper and magazine printing from 1 copy, we are unfortunately unable to offer you a free test print of your rifle club magazine. However, you are welcome to order 1 copy in advance for viewing and order the final quantity later.

Templates for Rifle Club Magazine - Original Sample Pages & Designs

Our ready-made layouts are the ideal starting point for designing your rifle club magazine. Let yourself be inspired by the diverse layouts and themes or customise the pages to your individual ideas lightning-fast. Take a look at the template for a rifle club magazine now and start filling the template with your content.

Template for member introduction of a rifle club magazine

Present the members of your rifle club in detail. Our template already has the appropriate layouts and samples ready to fill out.

You can also create your magazine as a high-quality programme for the rifle club. This way, all guests and members have an outline of what's going to happen at the festival.

Template for programme in rifle club magazine

Template for chronicle in a rifle club magazine

What were the most touching moments in the club's history from its founding to the present day? Let your readers relive the development and historical roots of your rifle club by creating an informative club chronicle with our templates.

The traditional bird shooting is one of the absolute highlights of every shooting festival. You can present all the facts and figures about this year's shooting on a double page.

Template for bird shooting in a rifle club magazine

Livraison en France

Nous fournissons également tes journaux et magazines en France. Il te suffit d'indiquer ton adresse de livraison lors du processus de commande. Nous nous occupons de la livraison.

Livraison en France

Pour les clients de Suisse

Pour les livraisons en Suisse, nous recommandons d'utiliser le service de se chargera de toutes les formalités douanières et de la livraison à votre porte pour une somme modique. La meilleure façon de procéder est de vous enregistrer auprès de avant de vous connecter.